IncentiBook: The Verge

Clifton Reed
May 20, 2021

This month might be the most ridiculous of my life, to date…

In order of importance: my first child is due any day now, I am moving home, launching IncentiBook submitting a research grant proposal and have been interviewing for a new job.


IncentiBook is now ready for beta launch. There are a few people interested, so I will let them know that they can now use the registration function and start inviting customers to use it. At this stage I am ignoring the potential that no one might use it, and will opt to spend time improving the product.

I bought a cheap mobile with a Pay As You Go sim card to field questions on…this took me back to my youth.

Let there be launch!



Clifton Reed

Serial wantrepreneur, university lecturer, web dev hobbyist and polymath.